
The N-SSPX now rarely criticizes the conciliar church. Instead, the N-SSPX praises much that is conciliar.1 If the N-SSPX objects to anything liberal, it usually does so by quoting some “conservative” conciliar revolutionary (e.g., Cardinal Burke or “bishop”2 Athanasius Schneider). These so-called “conservatives” feebly express “concern” that some statement of Pope Francis3 (one which is truly heretical)4 might “lead to confusion among the faithful”.5

Instead of defending the Faith against conciliar heresy, the “new” SSPX seeks to be positive, uplifting, and sympathetic to the conciliar church. For example, in 2012, when describing the Angelus Magazine’s new direction, publisher Fr. Wegner assured readers that the N-SSPX strives not to be “negative” about the conciliar church. As Fr. Wegner described the “new” Angelus:

A final characteristic of the new style is its positivity. Devoid of any aggressive and imposing elements, we are committed to avoiding unnecessary polemics... primarily we want to stand out by positive reporting....6

The N-SSPX regularly shows its new softness by praising conciliar leaders7 and promoting conciliar errors.8 Recently, the N-SSPX continued this trend by saying that some conciliar parishes are good places to save your soul.

Below, we quote the N-SSPX’s own words, in which you will notice these two problems:

  1. When explaining what a parish is, the “new” SSPX focuses on the Mass and Sacraments and makes no mention of spreading and teaching the Catholic Faith, which is paramount.
  2. When explaining that a parish is a good place to save your soul, notice that all diocese parishes are conciliar but the N-SSPX does not say that none are good places to save your soul. The N-SSPX says “many” are not good places to save your soul.

Here are the N-SSPX’s words:

In the practical sense, the parish is where the faithful receive the sacraments, including Penance and the Eucharist, and—under the authority of the rector—participate in para-liturgical devotions such as the Stations of the Cross and Adoration. It is in the parish that the faithful find their spiritual nourishment and are provided a concrete place in which to draw closer to God. The physical parish is there, too, for those souls who have broken (or yet to forge) their bond with Christ so they may find healing and renewal through the sacraments, the objective channels of the Lord’s limitless grace. The physical parish building itself, when properly designed and constructed, is a symbol of beauty, one that invites in all who desire this grace.

Unfortunately, in this period of crisis, many Catholic parishes have ceased to fulfill this function. Owing to this state of emergency, the Society of Saint Pius X has been compelled to establish chapels as centers of authentic Catholic worship outside of the regular jurisdiction of the local bishops. Although these chapels are not parishes proper, those maintained by the Society function as dispensers of grace in accordance with the traditional liturgy and rites of the Roman Church.9

1. The Paramount Importance of Spreading and Teaching the True Catholic Faith in the Parish

The Catholic Faith is more important for our salvation than access to the Mass and (sacramental) Holy Communion, which do no good for a person who does not have the Faith.10 We can save our souls without access to the Mass and (sacramental) Holy Communion, but we cannot save our souls without the true Faith.11 This is why uncompromising Catholics are willing to be deprived of the Mass and Holy Communion rather than compromise on the Faith.

Notice that the “new” SSPX makes no mention of this most important part of the work of a parish, viz., spreading and teaching the true Catholic Faith. The “new” SSPX de-emphasizes the Catholic Faith and limits its mission (just like the other indult groups do) to bringing the traditional Mass and Sacraments to the people.12

The “new” SSPX and the other indult groups are silent about the Faith because, for them, emphasizing the Faith is a “lose-lose” situation:

Thus, the “new” SSPX and the other indult groups focus on preference for and attachment to the traditional Mass and they keep a cowardly silence about the principal errors of our time.

2. The N-SSPX says Some Conciliar Parishes are Good Places to Save Your Soul

Notice also that the N-SSPX is asserting that a diocese parish “is” (present tense) a good place to save your soul, although there are exceptions, i.e., “many” now don’t fulfill that purpose. The N-SSPX’s statement is indirect, but clear.

Let’s analyze an analogous statement: Many dead bodies are unable to run a footrace. This statement indirectly but clearly indicates that some corpses can run a footrace (although many cannot).

Similarly, the N-SSPX plainly shows that some of the hundreds of thousands13 of conciliar (diocesan) parishes are good places to save your soul (however, there are “many” exceptions). This N-SSPX position is anti-Traditional and therefore anti-Catholic.

Perhaps some readers don’t want to recognize what the “new” SSPX is saying here. Perhaps some readers excuse the N-SSPX by saying “the Society does not directly say that some conciliar parishes are good places to save your soul.” To such persons we respond: Suppose a man said something indirect about you, such as “many things you say are not a lie” or “many of your possessions are not stolen”. Would you calmly smile, comforting yourself that the man did not directly say you lie or steal?

No doubt, you would say: “That man is calling me a liar and a thief!” Similarly, the N-SSPX is saying that some conciliar parishes are good places to save your soul.

All faithful and informed Catholics know that every conciliar (diocese) parish is an evil place, at which evil occurs every day!14 All Catholics should avoid them! Consider the evil of every diocese (i.e., conciliar) parish in the world:

When Fr. Wegner promoted the new liberal slide of the Angelus in 2012, he invoked an old pagan proverb: Change Pleases (i.e., “ variatio delectat”).16 As the N-SSPX is transitioning into the conciliar church, the N-SSPX leaders show that change does please them!

Let us pray for the poor, blind N-SSPX which now tells its followers that some of the world’s conciliar parishes are places of “spiritual nourishment”, “healing”, and “beauty”!

Although the N-SSPX is betraying Christ and its followers, its new position will aid the N-SSPX’s attempt to be recognized by modernist Rome.

  1. For example, Bishop Tissier praised a conciliar book which approves of euthanasia (starving and dehydrating people to death). Read his own words, cited to his own source here: Bishop Tissier praises and the new SSPX promotes a conciliar booklet condoning euthanasia

    To take another example: the “new” SSPX promoted the evil, conciliar (so-called) “Holy Year” which Pope Francis declared in honor of Vatican II’s 50th anniversary. Read the N-SSPX’s own words, cited to its own sources, here:

  2. Schneider has a conciliar “ordination” and “consecration”. The validity of all conciliar “ordinations” and “consecrations” is inherently doubtful and so must be treated as invalid. For a thorough explanation of this, see:

  3. Sedevacantism is a grave error and Catholic Candle is not sedevacantist. For an explanation of why sedevacantism is gravely wrong, read this article: Against sedevacantism
  4. Pope Francis makes many errors about the Catholic Faith. Errors about the Faith are heresies (in contrast to errors on some other subject, such as geometry). Here is how St. Thomas Aquinas explains this:

    We are speaking of heresy now as denoting a corruption of the Christian Faith. Now it does not imply a corruption of the Christian faith, if a man has a false opinion in matters that are not of faith, for instance, in questions of geometry and so forth, which cannot belong to the faith by any means; but only when a person has a false opinion about things belonging to the faith.

    Now a thing may be of the faith in two ways, as stated above, in one way, directly and principally, e.g. the articles of faith; in another way, indirectly and secondarily, e.g. those matters, the denial of which leads to the corruption of some article of faith; and there may be heresy in either way, even as there can be faith.

    Summa, IIa IIae, Q.11, a.2, respondeo (emphasis added).

  5. See, e.g., this typical N-SSPX article: http://sspx.org/en/news-events/news/synod-black-mark-holy-see-bishop-schneider-5450
  6. Quoted from The Last Word, published in the January/February 2012 Angelus magazine.
  7. See, e.g., the “new” SSPX’s own words, cited back to its own sources, here: The “New” SSPX Praises another Conciliar Revolutionary
  8. See, e.g., the “new” SSPX’s own words, cited back to its own sources.
  9. This N-SSPX quote is from: http://sspx.org/en/news-events/news/what-parish-29837 (emphasis added).
  10. For a thorough explanation of the Catholic teaching that the Mass and (sacramental) Holy Communion do not give grace to those who do not have the Catholic Faith, read this article: There is nothing good in the conciliar church or in any other false church
  11. St. Paul infallibly teaches us that “without Faith, it is impossible to please God.” Hebrews, 11:6.
  12. The “new” SSPX regularly shows this change in its emphasis. See, e.g., this article, quoting the N-SSPX and citing back to its own sources: SSPX shifts focus from the Faith to the Mass
  13. See the statistics (concerning number of parishes) here: http://cara.georgetown.edu/frequently-requested-church-statistics/
  14. Regarding why a conciliar church is a very unfitting place to pray, read this article: The evil of going into a conciliar church to pray
  15. For example, one of the (so-called) “conservative” conciliar leaders which the N-SSPX most frequently praises and with which it allies itself, is (so-called) “bishop” Athanasius Schneider. For a partial catalogue of the conciliar heresies he promotes in his own diocese, read his own words, cited to his own sources, here: “Bishop” Schneider, a Conciliar Revolutionary Loved by the New SSPX
  16. Quoted from The Last Word, published in the January/February 2012 Angelus magazine.