The “new” SSPX’s betrayal of the Catholic Faith take many forms. One of these betrayals is imitating the conciliar church by using Catholic words but changing their meaning. Below, we will quote examples of this evil N-SSPX practice. But first let us examine why Our Lord’s enemies do this.
Most Catholics would notice if the conciliar church denied Catholic terms. But they do not notice when the truth is corrupted by changing the meanings of those terms.
For example, if the conciliar church simply denies the existence of the Sacraments, then some “sleeping” Catholics might wake up and stand up for the truth.
Instead, the conciliar church keeps the Catholic term but changes the meaning by making almost everything a sacrament. In this way, Vatican II called the Church a “sacrament”.1 Pope John Paul II declared that many other things are “sacraments”, e.g., man, the world, and the human body.2
By saying almost everything is a “sacrament”, the conciliar church destroys the meaning of Catholic term without alarming inattentive Catholics (who continue to hear the Catholic term being used).
The N-SSPX is now transitioning into the conciliar church by adopting the false conciliar meaning of Catholic terms. For example:
One of the latest examples of the “new” SSPX changing the meaning of Catholic words, is the term “sacred”. Recently, the “new” SSPX taught that anything that is orderly and which is in God’s plan for the world, is “sacred”. Here are the N-SSPX’s own words defining the sense of (i.e., understanding of) the sacred:
By “sense of the sacred,” I mean an understanding and a perception of things as ordered and as participating, to a greater or lesser degree, in a divine, eternal, and ultimately sacred reality. 8
In this definition, the “new” SSPX waters down the sacred so much that almost everything (i.e., except sin) is sacred because almost everything is ordered and shares in some degree in God’s plan/reality. Thus, (according to the N-SSPX’s definition), manure spread on a farmer’s field, is “sacred” because that is where manure belongs. In other words, manure on the field is something orderly and something which shares in God’s plan/reality for how farmers grow crops, etc.
Similarly, it is orderly for stinky socks to be in a dirty clothes hamper and it is part of God’s plan/reality that socks which have become dirty are put into a hamper until they can be washed. Thus, (according to the N-SSPX definition) it is sacred for stinky socks to be in the hamper.
The “new” SSPX is plainly wrong to call “sacred” everything which is orderly, according to God’s order! As shown in the two examples (above), even natural things have order and participate in the divine, eternal reality. However, that does not make them sacred! Thus, the “new” SSPX’s false definition destroys the meaning of the Catholic term “sacred” by confusing the natural order and the supernatural order, as the modernists do.
The truth is that all natural things have their place in the natural order but that does not make them sacred. Something is sacred by being set aside for Divine Worship. 9
In the article quoted above, the “new” SSPX gives two examples of its own, concerning what is sacred. The N-SSPX says that two natural goods: bread and eating together, are “sacred”. Here are the “new” SSPX’s own words:
If the students have no sense of the sacredness of bread, and of bread taken together, how can they grasp the significance of and be transformed deeply by Our Lord’s words: “I am the bread of life”?10
The “Bread of Life”, of course, is the Blessed Sacrament, who is God. Thus, the “new” SSPX is saying that someone cannot understand that the Host (Who is God) is sacred, unless that person understands all bread is sacred! Consequently, the “new” SSPX is saying that a person should understand that the Host is sacred through understanding that all bread is sacred! This false and heretical proposal destroys the Catholic Faith in souls by equating the sacredness of God in the Host, with merely natural bread!
Further, the N-SSPX says that a person should understand the sacredness of eating (bread) together, i.e., the community meal, to help see the sacredness of receiving the Host (the Bread of Life). In other words, the “new” SSPX says people should understand that receiving the Host together, is a sacred action, through understanding that all eating bread together, is a sacred action! The N-SSPX here promotes the modernist “community meal” notion of the sacredness of the Mass and Holy Communion!
Let’s apply the N-SSPX’s definition to one more example: Our Lord’s Heart is sacred because it is Something to be truly worshiped. But under the N-SSPX’s definition of “sacred”, our own hearts are also “sacred” hearts because our hearts are orderly and participate in God’s plan/reality by pumping blood in our bodies. Therefore, according to the N-SSPX’s false definition, although Our Lord has a Sacred Heart, so do we!
By making our own natural hearts into “sacred” hearts, we see how the “new” SSPX’s false and modernist definition of “sacred” empties the contents of the Catholic Faith. Pope Pius XI condemns this modernism which fails to distinguish the natural order from the supernatural order. Here are his words:
[I]f we are to avoid the errors which are the source and fountain-head of all the miseries of our time, the teaching of [St. Thomas] Aquinas must be adhered to more religiously than ever. For [St.] Thomas refutes the theories propounded by Modernists in every sphere,... in dogmatic theology, by distinguishing the supernatural from the natural order ”.
Studiorum Ducem, ¶27 (bracketed words added).
As shown above, by including everything orderly, as part of the “sacred”, the N-SSPX falsifies the truth that objects which are merely part of the natural order, are not sacred.
As also shown above, by including all orderly, natural things as “sacred”, the N-SSPX likewise destroys our understanding of those things which truly are sacred.
The “new” SSPX’s use of this modernist tactic (changing the meaning of Catholic terms) changes your understanding of the Catholic Faith.
Don’t learn the Catholic Faith from the N-SSPX unless your goal is to really learn modernism instead!
Read the N-SSPX’s quotes, cited back to their own sources here.
The “new” SSPX follows this un-Catholic practice very frequently. See, these further, recent examples:
The true Catholic Church has always condemned this conciliar (and N-SSPX) practice. See an analysis of this error from the teachings of the Popes, Fathers, and Doctors of the Church.
In addition to those authorities (quoted in the link immediately above), we add the teachings of these additional Doctors of the Church:
Doctor of the Church, St. John Chrysostom, when commenting on Our Lord’s warning to beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing, teaches that heretics, who are not real Christians, disguise themselves as Christians:
Clearly then, it is of heretical teachers He speaks; for they put on the guise of Christians, to the end they may tear in pieces the Christian with the wicked fangs of seduction.
Catena Aurea on St. Matthew’s Gospel, St. Thomas Aquinas (editor), ch.7, vv. 15-20 (emphasis added).
Doctor of the Church, St. Robert Bellarmine, declares that heretics are not Christians:
This principle is most certain. The non-Christian cannot in any way be Pope, as Cajetan himself admits (ib. c. 26). The reason for this is that he cannot be head of what he is not a member; now he who is not a Christian is not a member of the Church, and a manifest heretic is not a Christian, as is clearly taught by St. Cyprian (lib. 4, epist. 2), St. Athanasius (Scr. 2 cont. Arian.), St. Augustine (lib. De great. Christ. Cap. 20), St. Jerome (contra Lucifer.) and others; therefore the manifest heretic cannot be Pope.
St. Robert Bellarmine, De Romano Pontifice, II, 30 (emphasis added)
Doctor of the Church, St. Alphonsus Ligouri, shows that the term “Christian” refers only to what is Catholic. He juxtaposes Christian countries to those countries of heretics:
See also the special love which God has shown you in bringing you into life in a Christian country, and in the bosom of the Catholic or true Church. How many are born among the pagans, among the Jews, among the Mahometans and heretics, and all are lost.
St. Alphonsus Liguori, Sermon 29, section 4.