
Around March 1, 2016, Fr. Wegner (SSPX district superior for the U.S.) mailed out a slick and expensive bulletin (full of color pictures), which was professionally printed with each individual recipient’s name printed on his own copy of the bulletin.

Without any intent to be ironic, Fr. Wegner writes that Lent is a time for the SSPX and faithful to put away the cares of the world—but look at the poor condition of our buildings. Here are his words:

Lent is a time to turn away from the cares of the world ... St. Therese Church and school buildings ... are in serious need of repair ... the most urgent problem is the church’s roof ... winds have taken a toll on the Academy’s siding ... the furnace [is] pushed to the limit and a replacement must be obtained within a year ... the repairs to the siding, furnace and roof will cost an estimated $75,000 ....

Fr. Wegner always begins his letter by some shallow mention of some “spiritual” theme. But as the U.S. district’s fundraiser-in-chief, Fr. Wegner always predictably “circles back” to his bottom line: “give us money”.