
Informed and faithful Catholics know we are at war with the conciliar enemy. Enemies at war don’t do favors for each other, but the “new” SSPX recently received an additional favor from the conciliar enemy. This shows the N-SSPX is not at war against the conciliar enemy.

On April 4, 2017, the Vatican gave the conciliar “bishops”1 control and jurisdiction over weddings at SSPX churches. This is a second indult, following the confession indult in 2015.2 In this way, the conciliar church is bringing the “new” SSPX into regularization and dependence, through incremental steps. Informed Catholics recognize that these steps are a deadly gradualism.

Here are the Vatican’s words:

[T]he Holy Father, following a proposal by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, has decided to authorize Local Ordinaries the possibility to grant faculties for the celebration of marriages of faithful who follow the pastoral activity of the Society, according to the following provisions.

Insofar as possible, the Local Ordinary is to grant the delegation to assist at the marriage to a priest of the Diocese (or in any event, to a fully regular priest), such that the priest may receive the consent of the parties during the marriage rite, followed, in keeping with the liturgy of the Vetus ordo, by the celebration of Mass, which may be celebrated by a priest of the Society.

Where the above is not possible, or if there are no priests in the Diocese able to receive the consent of the parties, the Ordinary may grant the necessary faculties to the priest of the Society who is also to celebrate the Holy Mass, reminding him of the duty to forward the relevant documents to the Diocesan Curia as soon as possible.

Notice the Vatican’s arrangement permits the dioceses of the world to accept the couple’s vows (i.e., to “marry” the couple). This permission does not force these dioceses to do anything.

Notice also, the Vatican declares a preference for diocesan “priests” to accept the couple’s vows. If that is not possible, then the Vatican wants the local ordinary to use a different conciliar “priest”. Only if that is impossible, could the local ordinary give regular jurisdiction to the SSPX priest, for the particular wedding.

How did the “new” SSPX respond? Its official communiqué conveyed its “deep gratitude” without any mention that the SSPX marriages (and confessions) are—and have always been—valid,3 since the Church supplies emergency jurisdiction because of the current crisis in the Church. Here are the “new” SSPX’s words:

The Society of Saint Pius X conveys its deep gratitude to the Holy Father for his pastoral solicitude as expressed in the letter from the Ecclesia Dei Commission, for the purpose of alleviating “any uncertainty regarding the validity of the sacrament of marriage”. Pope Francis clearly wishes that, as in the matter of confessions, all the faithful who want to marry in the presence of a priest of the Society of Saint Pius X can do so without any worries about the validity of the sacrament. It is to be hoped that all the bishops share this same pastoral solicitude.

Emphasis added.

Notice the “new” SSPX betrays its history and the truth, repeating the Vatican’s words about the uncertainty and worries regarding the validity of SSPX weddings.

Of course, the “new” SSPX will feel obliged to use this marriage indult (always or almost always) because otherwise it will appear the N-SSPX does not appreciate Pope Francis’s “gift”. The “new” SSPX announced that “from now on”, it will use this indult.

This marriage indult is diabolically clever and evil, for ten reasons:

  1. This marriage indult makes the “new” SSPX continually indebted to each local ordinary since the diocese will be continually doing favors (sending a “regularized” conciliar “priest” with marriage faculties) to receive the SSPX couple’s vows. Being dependent on the conciliar diocese, the “new” SSPX will be careful not to say anything which offends the local ordinary.
  2. This marriage indult is just the “camel’s nose” in the tent; more of the “camel” will follow. The “new” SSPX will certainly not prevent further encroachments by the conciliar church, such as the conciliar “priest” addressing the congregation: (“I would like to say a few words”, etc.).
  3. Uncompromising Catholics have no need of conciliar faculties given by modernists. The Catholic Church supplies faculties because all informed and faithful Catholics reject the ministers of the (false) conciliar religion, until they convert to the Catholic Faith.3
  4. Having a “priest” from the (false) conciliar religion administer a Catholic Sacrament (viz., receive the couple’s vows) greatly offends God.

  5. Having a “priest” from the false conciliar religion preside (receive the couple’s vows) gives him and the conciliar church credibility and status among the SSPX congregation.

  6. The diocese “priest” is an unconverted member of a false religion. But he will be treated as an equal by the SSPX priest and will (inevitably) be given the respect due only to a real Catholic priest. This is insulting to God and confusing to the people!

  7. Having a “priest” from the conciliar religion be present to accept the couple’s vows, shows that he and the conciliar church are necessary for the SSPX (otherwise why would they be there?)
  8. When selling a magazine subscription (or other long-term service), vendors often start by giving a free trial subscription (e.g., “first three months free”) to get people used to the service, dependent upon it, and willing to pay for it. The Vatican is using this technique by “creating a need” in the “consumers” (i.e., the “new” SSPX). In the years to come, the “new” SSPX will “pay” for this marriage jurisdiction service because the N-SSPX’s followers will think it is necessary. The Vatican said:

    in this way, any uneasiness of conscience on the part of the faithful who adhere to the Society of St. Pius X as well as any uncertainty regarding the validity of the sacrament of marriage may be alleviated ....

    Emphasis added.

    Informed and faithful Traditional Catholics do not have any qualm of conscience about the validity of marriages in traditional chapels. Rather, the Vatican is attempting to create unease among traditional Catholics, and create the false belief that they need jurisdiction from the conciliar revolutionaries.

  9. It allows a member of the false conciliar religion to come into the sanctuaries of churches that are (supposed to be) Traditional Catholic. It offends God to have an agent of the revolution (the conciliar “priest”) even enter (what is supposed to be) a real Catholic sanctuary.

    With increasing frequency, expect the “new” SSPX to join with “priests” of the conciliar religion for joint services and to use each other’s churches.4 For example, at a recent funeral, N-SSPX priests used a conciliar church with the permission of the local ordinary. In this funeral, the “new” SSPX priests were joined “in choir” by conciliar “priests” from the Roman Rite and Ukrainian Rite. Id.

  10. The local ordinary controls whom he sends to the SSPX chapels. He controls how militantly revolutionary these “priests” are; how conciliar they are in what they wear; and how revolutionary they are in what they say.

Let us pray for the poor blind “new” SSPX’s leaders as they gratefully open the gates and accept the conciliar enemy’s Trojan Horse!

  1. The validity of all conciliar “ordinations” and “consecrations” is inherently doubtful and so they must be treated as invalid. That is the reason that conditional ordinations and consecrations are required in all those cases. For a thorough explanation of the doubts about the validity of all conciliar consecrations and ordinations, see these Catholic Candle articles:

  2. An indult is a special permission not accorded under general church law. This new framework for marriage faculties is an indult because the pope is giving permission which applies to a group (the “new” SSPX) that does not have regular jurisdiction due to its (supposedly) irregular status.
  3. Read these excellent explanations (first, second) given by the “old” SSPX for the supplied jurisdiction of traditional Catholic priests.
  4. Conciliar churches are very bad places to pray. Read the explanation.