What does the SSPX hold to be the most important duty of traditional Catholics? Saving our souls? No. Learning our Catholic Faith? No. Fighting modernism? No again. The Angelus Magazine says our most important duty is learning about Islam! See below:
Seeking to give the Angelus (i.e., the SSPX) the benefit of the doubt, we could assume that the Angelus “stretches” the truth in order to increase sales of the August issue of the Angelus. But when looking at the continual string of recent issues from Menzingen’s media outlet, DICI, one sees that the SSPX has fully joined the conciliar “Catholic” press in considering Islamic expansion in the Middle East to be one of the few most important topics in the world today.
DICI continually focuses the reader on the horrors of Islamic bombings, etc., with articles DICI reprints from conciliar and secular sources. The titles of these articles alone, show that the SSPX has lost its focus on the uncompromising anti-liberal Catholic Faith. Here are a few titles from recent DICI issues:
Long gone are the SSPX articles dedicated to condemning the principal evils attacking true Catholicism, viz., Vatican II, the new mass, the conciliar church’s hierarchy, etc. The “new” SSPX now publishes virtually nothing with which the (supposedly) “conservative” branch of the conciliar church would disagree.