As of December 8, 2015, the SSPX now has an indult for confession jurisdiction. This indult is simply Our Lord’s conciliar enemies giving the SSPX permission to hear confessions. In the Great Apostasy in which we live, the SSPX has always had all it needs, viz., supplied jurisdiction. This permission (indult) makes it plain that the SSPX is cozying up to Our Lord’s enemies and has given up the fight against the modernist hierarchy which bestows this “favor”.
On the occasion of the SSPX obtaining this indult, Father Franz Schmidberger (SSPX district superior in Germany) granted an interview to the Italian newspaper, La Stampa. (See also the English translation.) In this interview, Fr. Schmidberger candidly displays the new-SSPX’s liberal slide.
the interview, Fr. Schmidberger states, regarding the SSPX’s
status: I trust that in the near future we can find solutions to
recover full
(emphasis added).
Here, Fr. Schmidberger uses the false, conciliar concept of communion being of two types: full or partial. Vatican II designed this novel concept to serve conciliar ecumenism. See, e.g., Vatican II’s document Unitatis Redintegratio, §3.
Traditional Catholic Church does not use this false conciliar
concept! People are either in communion with the Church or they are
not. There is no
“partial” communion.note
Schmidberger says the new-SSPX lacks some communion with the Church
and that the SSPX must resolve this problem. He says: I trust
that in the near future we can find solutions
to recover
full communion.
Quoted from the December 2015 interview
(emphasis added).
The truth is that the SSPX has always been in communion with the Church. That is, the SSPX lacks nothing in its true membership in the Church. Rome’s unjust assertion that the SSPX lacks communion with the Church is false and is only in appearance, not in truth.
In his earlier, anti-liberal days, Bishop Fellay used to declare there is no problem with the SSPX’s status:
Rome says to us, “Come back.” We say, “We are sorry, but we can’t.” Why? Because we are already in; we have never been away, so where do you want us to come back from? We are already in.
Quoted from Bishop Fellay’s conference at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church in Kansas City, Missouri, on November 10, 2004
In the past, Bishop Tissier said the same thing, viz., the SSPX does not lack communion with the Catholic Church and there is nothing to “recover” because there is no problem with the SSPX’s status:
We are of the Church. We are in the Church. We are still in the bosom of the Church. We are in the heart of the Church. ... Let us reject also the erroneous supposition of some of our friends—bad friends—who say the Society of St. Pius X is now in an abnormal situation because we are not acknowledged by the Church. ... That is wrong. That is false. We are not in an abnormal situation. The abnormal situation is in Rome. ... We have not to come back. But these Romans have to come back.
Sermon, beginning at minute 21:14 and then at 22:32.
In this sermon, Bishop Tissier warns us that a person who says what Fr. Schmidberger says, is a bad friend who promotes falsehood.
Fr. Schmidberger expects last year’s indult (for confession jurisdiction) to be only the beginning. He says:
[I]t is hard to imagine that this [gesture] is limited to the Holy Year, nor do I think this is the limit of the Pope’s idea. Perhaps at first other similar gestures are to follow.
Quoted from the December 2015 interview.